
Where to start

   Starting a web site can seem very confusing - it was a total unknown to me until June 2002.
There are simply thousands of possibilities to choose from. However, starting your own site can be split into two main ways.
 1. Build your own site from scratch, using your own domain name, and through a paid for hosting service.
 2. Make a site using various templates, via a free web host such as geo-cities or Tripod.

Personally, I have looked at the free hosting services available, and it looked like it could get messy. There are many restrictions via free hosts,  it looked to me easier in the long run to go with the first option. I will deal only with the first option here. As this site develops, I hope to detail the necessary tasks to get a site up and running.

I hope my experience will be some guide as to how easy creating your first site can be. I think everyone should have their own personal site, if only as a means to keeping in contact with people across the globe. A good stable email address along with a website can help maintain personal links in the long term.



Domain Names

Designing Software

Web Hosting

Web Creation Diary

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DIY Computing

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