Final Year Project : Took me a fair few months to get this, my largest project, to full completion.  In retrospect i am still happy with it. I realised at the time when i wrote it, that the examiners would not look to happily at the topic i was curious to investigate. After all, it was somewhat of a novel idea/pet theory of mine. I was awarded a 'C' grade for this,  which i thought was a bit tough, even considering the nature of the subject i decided to test out.

Final year project from my science degree..

Title :
Colour Preference as Symptomatic of Personality Type

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Instructions for completion of the questionnaire.



- Please complete this questionnaire without any help, and in the order presented.


- Do not discuss this questionnaire until you have given in the form and have been

 debriefed by the researcher.


- Ensure that you have completed each section.


- Your name should not be entered on any part of this questionnaire, all responses will remain anonymous.



Department of Psychology

University of Hertfordshire


Consent Form


I agree to take part in the experiment which has been described to my satisfaction. I understand that I may withdraw at any time without penalty and that my responses will not be associated with my name.

Subject signature :

Date :

Experimenter : Philip Calrissian


For research purposes, please note down your age, and gender.


Age (years) :                                           Gender :               (M/F)